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Гдз по английскому языку в рабочей тетради кауфман 1 часть
We have seen a very interesting film. Морская вода замерзает при температуре — 2 °С. The camping stove is hers. Boss was speaking with police.
Our promise The people of the Earth will protect their planet. I should put a napkin. Did you like it there?
He stayed in Peterhof. They had a visitor from England — Robin. Rob had a pen friend in Russia. You lost the top secret document and our clients are in danger. Agent Cute is writing a letter to Misha, but his Russian is not готовые домашние задания перевод снемецкого good because he is very nervous. I was reading a book when she called. Complete the sentences with the right form of the verbs. You should wash your hands. Maggy was writing a letter. A гдз по английскому языку в рабочей тетради кауфман 1 часть is biting. Робину потребовалось много времени, чтобы вернуться домой? The Black Sea частть colder than the Red Sea. When was she writing a letter to her friend? He went to Russia and found Misha and his family. This summer the boss is going to take his first holiday.
Listen, read and translate them with a dictionary. The train is not as expensive as the plane, but it is more comfortable than the bus. The highest mountains are the Himalayas.
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